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Top Tips To Reduce The Risk of COVID-19 When Working as a Hairstylist


Top Tips To Reduce The Risk of COVID-19 When Working as a Hairstylist

While the world is still practicing social distancing, salons and hairstylists are trying to figure out their new normal, and how things will shift under the governor's COVID-19 restrictions and safety protocols. In this article, we will list the top best practices to help salons and hairstylists minimize the risk of coronavirus while implementing changes to ensure proper social distancing and good hygiene.

6-Feet Social Distancing Rule

Limit the number of people permitted in the salon at one time, and keep a 6 feet distance between each hair extension stylist and client by spacing out the styling stations/chairs. This will enable stylists to social distance as well as clients.

Face Mask

Wear a face mask in the salon as a preventative measure, as salons require close contact between customers and staff. The following mask can help prevent the spread of COVID-19: Surgical/medical Mask, N95 Mask and Cloth Mask.


Remove common touchpoints like magazines and add hand sanitizer at all stations. A safety routine should be implemented throughout the day to wipe down sinks, reception desks, banisters, door handles and anything likely to have been touched by customers coming in and out of your salon.  Also, workstations and salon chairs should be cleaned with disinfectant after each client. 


Stock up on cleaning supplies. We encourage you to have plenty of gloves and hand sanitizer available for both clients and staff - reducing the contact between clients as much as possible.


Have clear messaging and visible signage to make staff and clients aware of your safety protocols and guidelines. This will give both clients and stylists a sense of security. 

Mobile Hairstylist

Send an email to your clients ahead of their appointment asking them to disinfect and clean the area before you arrive. We also suggest bringing your own antibacterial spray and wipes. You may also ask your client to be in a room alone to avoid contact with other household members.

Before booking an appointment with your hairstylist, shop She's Happy Hair for hair extension bundles, hair care products and more. 

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